There was an excellent turnout on Saturday 8 June for the AGM of the Friends of Llanegryn Church.

The audience welcomed Friends’ President Catrin Waugh who gave a fascinating talk on the political life and significant achievements of her late father, Lord Prys-Davies of Llanegryn.

Mrs Waugh recalled a 1968 report received on the appalling lack of care, in part due to a disconnection with the local community, at the Ely Hospital in Cardiff. Mrs Waugh said her father later wrote that “he shuddered when he read it”.

From small beginnings great institutions are born and this 1968 report so greatly influenced her father and his passion for community, that he focussed his political career on the Welsh Hospital Board in establishing 60 League of Friends Hospitals, subsequently leaving a foundation for the NHS to serve remote Welsh communities better.

Mrs Waugh also shared her memories of her father’s commitment to challenging injustice, inequality and the importance of our Welsh culture and language.

His role in passing the Welsh Language Acts of 1967, 1993, and 2011 have firmly established the basis for our local Welsh speaking communities to thrive.

Above all the late Lord Prys-Davies was a man who rejoiced in the work volunteers do for their local communities, and the Friends of Llanegryn Church are a good example of this.

St Mary’s and St Egryn’s church in Llanegryn traces its roots to before the 13th Century, and it is certainly worth a visit as one of Wales’ national treasures, specifically for its unique rood screen.

With their goal ‘to protect the ancient for the future’, the work the Friends undertake to preserve this ancient building in Llanegryn is key to ensuring that sense of pride, justice and community, as an important legacy for future generations.

The Friends of Llanegryn Church is a charity.

The 13th Century church, dedicated to St Mary and St Egryn, is built on an ancient religious site, possibly dating back to the 7th century.

Membership of the Friends is open to all who appreciate the wider value of this wonderful building.

The group hopes to provide support for the maintenance and conservation of the structure, while remaining agnostic in their approach to ensure history is preserved for all.