Preparations for Christmas in Porthmadog are being marked by a joint initiative between local group Caru Port and Hunaniaith (Menter Iaith Gwynedd) for the second year running.

The project will see 10 baby Welsh dragons, all wearing Father Christmas hats, hidden in 10 different shops in Porthmadog.

“Children from local primary schools will be challenged with finding each and every one of the dragons,” said Cllr Nia Jeffreys of Caru Port.

“Who knows where they will be hiding?”

One of Caru Port’s main aims is to get people to spend their money locally in Porthmadog, supporting local businesses and jobs.

Cllr Nia Jeffreys added: “We were delighted when Hunaniaith asked to work with us for the second Christmas running. It’s basically a fun event which supports local businesses and shows local children that Porthmadog is a Welsh-speaking community where the language is part of everyday life.”

Ifan Llewelyn Jones, language development officer with Hunaniaith, said: “The Welsh language draws people to spend their money in Porthmadog; locals and visitors alike enjoy hearing the language in shops and cafés.

“Hunaniaith were keen to show children that the language is a viable part of business life in their community; hopefully this will lead them to making Welsh a part of their lives as they become young people in the community.”

Competition forms will be shared with pupils at Ysgol Eifion Wyn, Ysgol Borth-y-Gest and Ysgol y Gorlan by the end of November.

Dragons will be hidden in businesses from 2 December and completed forms should be left at Porthmadog Library no later than Monday, 23 December.