The latest meeting of Tywyn Inner Wheel took place on Thursday, 12 April at the Talyllyn Railway Restaurant. Members welcomed District Chairman Muriel McGrath and four guests.
President Sian presented District Chairman Muriel McGrath with a cheque from Tywyn Inner Wheel for £100 for her chosen charity which this year is Cerebral Palsy, along with a book on Tywyn by Jean Napier.
Invitations and information on various district meetings, conferences and the International Rally were read out.
The group received a report on the talk in Llangollen on Blood Bikes.
Tywyn Inner Wheel girls Mary Bowron and Jackie Windsor-Lewis tried out the mini Blood Bike at the recent District Meeting in Llangollen.

International Secretary Diana reported on the several charity appeals received and responded to, including the Urgent Fire Appeal in the Philippines and the Load a Lorry Appeal for Ukraine on Saturday, 15 June.
A list of ‘wanted items’ was circulated.
Future Plans included the Coffee Morning on Monday, 27 May at Tywyn Baptist Church, the club’s participation at Race the Train and a Strawberry Tea at Abbeyfield on Tuesday, 25 June.
The handover to incoming President Lynda will be at Pebbles on Thursday, 4 July.
It is planned to purchase an Inner Wheel Centenary Rose in memory of Win Bottrill.
Following the meeting another tasty supper was served and President Sian thanked chef Ian, who is leaving, for the meals he has served us over the past months.
After the meal we enjoyed a talk by District Chairman Muriel about her life and work for Inner Wheel.
She described her evening at Tywyn as full of fun and more, like a hen do rather than a business meeting, which members felt was a great compliment to us.
The next Inner Wheel meeting is on Thursday, 9 May.