Street lights along Aberystwyth promenade are being replaced, after one was destroyed during stormy weather.
After damage was caused to one of the street lighting units on Marine Terrace during high winds at the end of February, Ceredigion County Council decided to temporarily remove the decorative brackets and remaining lanterns along Marine Terrace and Victoria Terrace in the “interest of public safety”.
A spokesperson for the council said: “Damage was caused to one of the street lighting units on Marine Terrace during the extremely high winds on 23 February 2021, and as a result the lantern itself was removed.
“Due to the nature of the damage and in the interest of public safety, it has been decided to temporarily remove the decorative brackets and remaining lanterns along Marine Terrace and Victoria Terrace.
“Temporary brackets and lanterns will be installed as an interim measure, so as to maintain appropriate lighting along the seafront.
“This temporary installation will remain in place until a more permanent lighting scheme can be designed and installed.
“These temporary works are to commence before the end of March.
“The authority’s street lighting engineers are working on designs for future/permanent street lighting units and identifying suitable materials to be used.”
Aberystwyth North councillor Mark Strong said: “I’ve got a concern that, because of the money being short and the cuts from central government, we’re going to be back to the situation of how it was in the early ’80s, when everything was very bog standard and neglected.
“People really need things replaced and repaired, with a semblance of the place looking like its cared for.”
Cllr Strong has suggested lamps inspired by the Edwardian period. “I believe these would complement the architecture on the promenade and illuminate the area in a more attractive way, especially using modern LED technology,” he said.