Ceredigion County Council’s leader has apologised publicly for recent delays in the collection of waste in the county, with promises that will ease through extra staff and contracting out some routes to private businesses.

At the 17 July meeting of Ceredigion County Council’s Cabinet, Leader Cllr Bryan Davies apologised to Ceredigion residents for recent delays in waste collection services across the county.

He was joined by Chief Executive Eifion Evans, who said there had been “a huge challenge” with the waste services, adding: “We don’t have the capacity to meet the requirements on the shoulders of the team and staff at Penrhos.”

Members were told extra resources had now been put into the Penrhos waste depot near Llandysul.

“In the short term we have put in additional resources for them, in the next few weeks you will see the changes,” he told members.

Cabinet was then told the council was “in discussions with the private sector to take on some of the routes,” as well as recruiting additional staff and buying extra machinery.

In the past two weeks, collections have been delayed across the county for recycling bags, food waste and kerb-side glass collections.

Most of the missed collections occurred in the rural areas in the south of the county, members heard.

“There will be additional costs, but we have to recognise this service is falling due to lack of capacity,” Mr Evans said, before paying tribute to the workers.

“These are the people that were collecting refuse during Covid when everyone was safe in their homes,” he added.

He stressed it was “not a lack of commitment” but a “lack of capacity” causing the issues.

He said changes were “being done as we speak,” but stressed the discussions with commissioning some routes via the private sector was “not something we can resolve overnight”.

Members were told it was hoped staff would be recruited in the new few weeks.

Cllr Davies reiterated his earlier remarks: “As a Cabinet we apologise to the residents of Ceredigion; hopefully the fact we are doing something about it will make a difference.”

Ceredigion County Council said: “Unfortunately but inevitably a variety of issues can affect our ability to deliver waste collection services.

“These include the availability of staff and vehicles as well as issues affecting access. We sincerely apologise when services are disrupted and look to respond as quickly as possible.”