Ceredigion County Council has been presented with a certificate for its commitment to tackling hate crime.

The council was presented with a Trustmark certificate from Victim Support this week for its commitment to the Hate Crime Charter.

The Council is now part of a network of allies to support its work with victims, and to raise awareness of hate crime and the ways of reporting across Wales. The Trustmark is a symbol of commitment to tackling hate crime and improving awareness and support for victims, witness and communities affected.

Cllr Catrin M S Davies, who chairs the council’s Equality Working Group, said: "Hate Crime has increased over the years.

"The aim is that no one in Ceredigion is a victim of bigotry or hate crime and that everyone can live their life without fear and without harassment regardless of their race, background or sexual orientation.

"Our services across the council continue to raise awareness to ensure we can support victims when needed.”

Tammy Foley from Victim Support said: “The Trustmark is a symbol of Ceredigion County Council’s commitment to the Hate Crime Charter and victims of Hate Crime, and it demonstrates that they have delivered, or are delivering, on their bespoke actions to enact the Charter.”