Three banners opposing a proposed wind farm near Glaslyn Nature Reserve have allegedly been stolen.

The latest, on the Staylittle-Machynlleth mountain road, lasted less than 24 hours.

The banner from Protest Glaslyn and Hafren calls to ‘Stop Bute Energy’, who want to build wind turbines near the nature reserve, Hafren Forest and Pumlumon Site of Special Scientific Interest.

This banner is the third to vanish.

Protect Glaslyn and Hafren’s Maya Bimson from said: “We had permission from the Protection of Rural Wales who manage the site and put up their notice of permission with the banner on 10 August, but by 3pm on 11 August, it had gone.

“This is a free country; it is unacceptable to steal something just because you disagree with it.

“We have reported the theft to police along with an earlier theft of two banners.” The banner was on Wynford Vaughan-Thomas’ Memorial site. The broadcaster, known as an “environmental champion”, reported on the front lines of WWII.

Maya said: “Protect Glaslyn & Hafren is trying to protect the landscapes Wynford Vaughan-Thomas loved. On a good day you can see 50 miles from land near Glaslyn, but Bute’s proposed wind turbines would ruin the view to those magnificent peaks.”

The police have been asked to comment.