Meirionnydd’s branch of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales (CPRW) has written to the Deputy First Minister of Wales outlining their concerns for the future of the Coed y Brenin.

Wanting to add their voice to letters sent to Huw Irranca-Davies, theirs states: “The closure of any of the visitor centres would have a wide impact on recreational facilities in rural Wales and would be in direct contradiction of the objectives of the recently published NRW Recreation Strategy.”

It adds: “We consider that any decision to close Coed y Brenin Centre would be against the objectives of the Health and Wellbeing Act.

“We note that whilst NRW is considering closing visitor centres across Wales, Denbighshire Council is planning to build one on Moel Famau, at considerable cost. They consider this will be money well spent which will deliver real value for people and the local economy. Why does NRW have a different view when they are, by definition, the ‘guardians’ of our recreational areas?

“Coed y Brenin Visitor Centre is a vital element in the social and financial economy of Meirionnydd – its closure would be a tragedy stretching far beyond the mountain biking community who bring so much into the area.