THE Cambrian News and its reporting team have been shortlisted as Wales’ Newspaper of the Year while Felix Nobes has also been shortlisted as the News Writer of the Year.

“This is a tremendous honour to be even shortlisted for the premier journalism awards in Wales, and I am thrilled that quality of our work has been recognised by our peers,” Editor Mick O’Reilly said.

“Since taking over the Cambrian News as Editor two years ago, the team here has doubled down on our coverage of local news.

“The Cambrian News is now a far more engaging read, there are no sacred cows, and our news staff fearlessly report and shine a light on the areas in our government and local community that need to be written about. Under my leadership, we will continue to do that,” O’Reilly said.

“The worst thing that can happen is that a newspaper stops being relevant and doesn’t grab people and show them what’s important. We take a lot of flak from some quarters. But they’re the ones who need watching.”

The Cambrian News is one of four finalists for Welsh Newspaper of the Year. Also nominated are the County Times, the Mid Wales Journal and the Western Telegraph

Reporter Felix Nobes, who left the paper last month to move to Palestine to study Arabic, write and teach, has been nominated for a series of stories on sewage in local rivers, and for his assertive reporting on the financial decline of Aberystwyth Marina.

The results will be announced in Cardiff on 10 November.

Christine Warwick, Chair of the Journalists Charity that organises the awards and a member of the Wales Committee, said: “The Journalists’ Charity is proud to be staging this year’s Wales Media Awards, celebrating the very best in Welsh journalism.

“I’m delighted to announce that this year we’ve received more than 200 entries – a record number. The calibre of entries is of a very high standard indeed – which will give the judges a very difficult job when it comes down to selecting the eventual winners.