Calls have been made for Welsh Government to step in and provide urgent support to secure the future of Harlech swimming pool.

The pool, which closed on Thursday, 1 August, has been a staple of community life in Harlech since the 1970s. In 2008, a group of volunteers took over the running of the pool from Gwynedd Council, having secured a grant from the National Lottery to build a state-of-the-art climbing wall and café.

Harlech and Ardudwy Leisure (HAL) was informed earlier this year that the community councils of Talsarnau, Llanbedr, Barmouth, Dyffryn and Talybont were no longer able to financially support the social enterprise, resulting in a £30K cut in funding.

Due to pressure on its own resources, Gwynedd Council also confirmed it was unable to provide additional financial assistance to that which it already provides the social enterprise.

Liz Saville Roberts MP, Mabon ap Gwynfor MS, and Harlech and Llanbedr Cllr Gwynfor Owen said: “It is truly disheartening to hear of the imminent closure of Harlech and Ardudwy Leisure, amidst a series of setbacks which has left the much-loved social enterprise with no other option but to close.

“The closure of the centre will be a huge blow to communities in Ardudwy. There has been a swimming pool in Harlech since the 1970s, bringing joy to thousands of children and adults alike, in addition to supporting the local visitor economy.

“The Board and all those involved in keeping the social enterprise going for so long should be commended for their efforts.

“Despite facing increasing pressure, new income streams were developed, and activity opportunities sought, expanding the leisure centre’s appeal to both locals and visitors alike.

“It is difficult to quantify the benefits the centre has brought the local community, not only in terms of the economy but more importantly providing children, young people and anyone who wishes to improve their health and wellbeing, with a safe space to socialise and keep active.

“With this in mind, we feel it is appropriate to ask the Welsh government to intervene and explore what immediate and long-term support can be provided to ensure the future viability of Harlech and Ardudwy Leisure.

“We therefore call on the Welsh Government to step in and work collaboratively with Gwynedd Council and Harlech and Ardudwy Leisure (HAL) to explore what support mechanisms can be utilised to keep the leisure centre open.

“We feel the disproportionate impact the centre’s closure will have on communities in Ardudwy warrants urgent intervention from the government.

“Furthermore, whilst we appreciate the extremely challenging position the council finds itself in, in terms of funding key services amidst increasing public-sector cuts, consideration should be given to, what, if any further support is available through Levelling Up funds for example or any other possible sources.

“All options must be fully explored to provide Harlech and Ardudwy Leisure with the support required to keep this much needed community asset open to the public.”