The West Wales Reclamation Yard has been saved from closure, instead relocating to a new premises.

In January 2024 news broke that Machynlleth’s salvage yard was threatened with closure after their notice was given on the land that had been its home for eight years, causing an outcry from its many patrons.

Thanks to the hard work of business owner Joab Hustings, the yard now has a new home around the corner from its old space on Old Station Yard, setting up instead on an old road works yard at the end of Gasworks Lane in Machynlleth town centre.

Not only is the yard now closer to town, but Joab is also working on opening a shop on Heol Maengwyn for more delicate antiques and collectables.

West Wales Reclamation Yard can now be found at the end of Gasworks Lane in Machynlleth town centre
West Wales Reclamation Yard can now be found at the end of Gasworks Lane in Machynlleth town centre (Cambrian News)

Joab said: “So many reclamation yards have closed across Wales in the last 10 years, losing valuable opportunities for recycling and reclaiming materials and furniture.

“The new yard is now open to the public by appointment only for the moment until everything is set up - we’ll be specialising in reclaimed and traditional building materials, architectural salvage, original and vintage oddities and garden furniture.

“The new shop will be an antique shop with spaces available to let out.

“We’re hoping to open the shop as soon as possible.”

Joab aims to open the new shop, Old Vault Antiques and Collectibles, by Easter, which will sit next to a new vintage clothing and upcycling shop, creating a retro hub on the site of the former Natwest bank.

The well-loved reclamation yard had battled years of Covid pandemic closures and reduced traffic due to the new A487 Dyfi bridge which started construction four years ago and opened last spring, with Joab describing the bridge work as “particularly challenging”.

To visit the new yard call Joab on 07723029818.