The Ffestioniog & Welsh Highland Railways (FfWHR) have welcomed summer this month and a new platform ice cream stand, with their very own designer flavour.

The FfWHR is the only place in the UK where you can buy Steam Coal Ice-cream.

Catering Manager Elwyn Edwards said the idea just came to him as he wanted something unique to the FfWHR which was also made in Wales: “It is really important for us to serve local produce here at our catering outlets and choosing a Welsh Ice cream maker was top of my list.

“Marios were happy to cater for my idea of steaming in with a brand-new product!

“It is actually a very tasty vanilla and something a bit different which will hopefully raise a smile from our passengers when they come to our new ice cream stand!”

Customers can also enjoy mint choc chip, chocolate, strawberry, salted caramel and a vegan option of red cherry sorbet.

Mario’s Jayne Burden said: “When we were asked to make something in fitting with the Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways we jumped at the opportunity to adapt our luxury Welsh Ice Cream to fit the bill!”

The ice cream has already been selling well and the locomotive crew approve.