Cyngor Gwynedd is looking for businesses and other organisations locally that would be able to offer opportunities for adults with learning disabilities to take a step towards the world of work.

The scheme – which is operated through the Learning Disability Team at Cyngor Gwynedd's social services – is designed to support adults with disabilities or other difficulties to access employment opportunities.

In Gwynedd, almost 100 individuals are on Cyngor Gwynedd's Work Opportunities Scheme, and they receive training and experience in the world of work.

The service currently has agreements in place with Caernarfon Town Council, supermarkets, organisations and businesses such as Williams Homes in Bala, Siop Llanaelhaearn and Premier Inn in Porthmadog.

Richard 'Jonjo' Jones, Work Opportunities Support Worker within Cyngor Gwynedd's social services, explained: “I love seeing the people I work with get work and pay, otherwise they would be in day service and may not reach their full potential of being able to take on responsibility and be able to contribute fully to society.

“If there's a business or organisation out there that would like to be involved – from a small family business to a large company or charity – we'd love to speak to you and see what's possible.”