An Aberystwyth entrepreneur has secured a grant as part of Innovate UK’s Young Innovators Award.

Jamila La Malfa-Donaldson is one of 94 entrepreneurs to win the award throughout the country.

Winning the award provides £5,000 funding and support as they grow their business and develop their ideas.

Ms La Malfa-Donaldson studied a PhD at Aberystwyth University and has since founded her own company called Prohemptoic Ltd, which aims to create food products made out of hemp plants, the idea behind this is that the foods will be healthier and more sustainable than our current diets.

Her foods are particularly designed to replace meat and dairy consumption.

She said: “Hemp is an incredible plant with lots of environmental and health benefits.

“We use the seeds because they contain a lot of nutritional benefits.

“It’s one of the most rich sources of plant based proteins, and it has a lot of fibre which is great for the digestive system.­

“The seeds are rich in fatty acids as well, such as the Omegas 3 and 6.”

“All of my products come from UK growers, but we hope to own our own farm one day. I hope we can also find or inspire more Welsh farms to grow it.

“I was blown away when I found out I won. Having the recognition from such a body as Innovate UK is so important not just for my business but for the hemp industry itself as it acts as a stamp of approval.

“The one-to-one mentorship has been so helpful too. I run this on my own, so having someone with experience in so many different sectors has been a massive help in setting up the foundation of the business.

“Having my time compensated for means everything to us too, I’m the main breadwinner of the family and so the grant funding and living allowance give me a few days a week to really focus on my business.

“I’m really looking forward to having more opportunities to help and inspire more young innovators.

“It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I’m thrilled to have won it.”