An unassuming Borth pub has been dubbed the best in the UK for its beer garden overlooking Cardigan Bay.
What looks like a standard stone pub from the high street, the Victoria Inn is transformed on turning the corner - the two-tiered balcony allows pub-goers to pack out to watch the sunset over the beach, and if they’re lucky, spot dolphins playing.
Nothing stands between the beer garden and the beach- on the contrary, the beach and its inhabitants often find their way to the garden.
This week it was named in The Sun as the nation's best beer garden after Influencer Nic Parry @sheexplores_uk found it on her quest for ‘hidden gems’.
Business owner Clare Kelly said: “It came about quite strangely on Instagram almost two months ago- suddenly weeks later it’s picked up by The Sun.
“It’s lovely to have an article about the village - we’re sometimes overlooked.

“Top beach pubs are often in other papers but we never get mentioned.
“If you’ve spent an evening on the terrace at sunset when the dolphins are out, you’re hard-pressed to find somewhere better!”
She’s since had inquiries for camping sites nearby and hopes more will come to the village which has been “quieter” recently.