Bronglais League of Friends has donated £17,400 to make a difference for two services at Bronglais Hospital.

£13,400 has been donated towards the cost of installing a fixed birthing pool at Gwenllian maternity ward and a further £4,000 has been donated to Enlli older adult mental health ward towards interactive singing and movement sessions.

Elinor Powell, Chairperson of Cyfeillion Bronglais League of Friends (CBLF), said: “We're absolutely thrilled to be able to contribute to these fabulous causes.

“It's lovely for us to make donations which bring joy to people's lives, none more so than birth and singing.

“We would like to say a huge thank you to our CBLF members and all those who have donated recently.

“Special thanks must go to the audience of Sgarmes' Christmas Singalong in the Great Hall last December who raised almost £10,000 through ticket sales, a raffle and donations on the night.”

Dawn Jones, Hospital Head of Nursing, thanked the group for the donations saying they “will make a positive difference to the experience of families bringing new life into the world, and to some of our oldest and frailest patients who can benefit from the joy of music and movement.”