Plans for a holiday let cabin on a farm in Brongest have been turned down partly because the business was in a “catch 22” situation.

The scheme, which would have seen a holiday cabin built on land at Blaenarthen, was recommended for refusal at the 9 October meeting of Ceredigion County Council’s development management committee.

It was recommended for refusal on the grounds that policy did not support cabins for holiday use on new tourism sites, and potential negative impact on the landscape.

Cllr Lewis in his statement of request for the committee to consider the scheme, said it would diversify the smallholding and provide an opportunity to support their income.

At the meeting Cllr Lewis said the farm activities had been much reduced due to personal circumstances, with the proposed holiday let intended to bring in more income.

Cllr Gareth Lloyd expressed his sympathies, but said policy didn’t support the scheme, describing the situation faced by the applicant as “catch 22” one, saying the diversification couldn’t be supported because the farm business was reducing.

“If we support this we would be entirely going against policy.

“Unfortunately, I will have to go with the officers and refuse this because policies don’t support it.”