Borth RNLI volunteers reunited on 23 May for a garden party at Buckingham Palace.

They joined 2,500 volunteers and representatives from the RNLI.

Attending from Borth was Tim Ellis-Clark (20 years’ service), Yvette Ellis-Clark (volunteer fundraiser), Amanda and Lee Trubshaw (30 years), Trudie and Mike Wilcox (20years), Sian and Will Stockford (both former Borth RNLI crew – Will still volunteers with Aberdyfi), and Angie and Louis Delahaye (40 years). This group has over 130 years of combined volunteering with Borth RNLI, with many still volunteering today.

Louis and Angie Delahaye had the further honour of being invited to attend the Royal Tea Tent for time with hosts HRH Princess Anne, her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, and RNLI President HRH The Duke of Kent. Louis said: “It was such a special opportunity to come together with my fellow Borth RNLI volunteers and celebrate at Buckingham Palace, in an historic year for our charity.

“The RNLI is an incredible 200 years old and Thursday’s event was a moment to come together as one and celebrate the volunteers today, as well as take a moment to think about those who’ve come before us.

“It was an honour and privilege and a proud moment I’ll remember forever.”