A Blaenau Ffestiniog family has donated money to set-up a Parkinson’s support group there.

The Blaenau Ffestiniog Parkinson’s Support Group at Y Ganolfan on Wynne Rd is for those people with the condition, their carers and loved ones.

It will meet for the first time on Wednesday, 16 October, and on the third Wednesday of every month afterwards, from 11am-1pm.

Brian Jones from Blaenau Ffestiniog was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2019 when he was 70. He died earlier this year.

His family saw the challenges Brian faced with Parkinson’s and decided to honour his memory by donating money raised at his funeral to a good cause. Now they are working with Parkinson’s UK Cymru, setting up a local group to help others with Parkinson’s, giving them somewhere to socialise, take part in a range of physical activities to help with symptoms, and receive support.

Non Roberts, one of Brian’s daughters, said: “My dad was proud of his local area and lived life to the full.

“He was a hard-working man, enjoyed travelling abroad and loved to spend time working on his motorbikes.

“While he found his Parkinson’s diagnosis difficult at times, he never stopped thinking of others.

“He had a friend who also had the condition but could no longer drive, so my dad would often pick him up in the car and take him for an ice cream where both of them could chat and understand what each other was going through.

“My dad was always keen to support local businesses and every Christmas he would look for a charity to support.

“He would be very pleased to know money raised in his memory will help others living with Parkinson’s in the Blaenau Ffestiniog area.

“As a family it’s comforting to know families like us will have local support in place, and hopefully it will make a real difference to people’s lives.”

Wendy Allison, Community Development Coordinator at Parkinson’s UK Cymru, said: “Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s can be a shock and adapting to life with the condition can be hard for the person involved and their loved ones too. But we know that getting the right information and support at the right time can make all the difference.

“That’s why our local groups and networks have an important part to play and we’re so grateful that Brian’s family have kindly donated money raised in his memory to set up this group for the benefit of people in the Blaenau Ffestiniog area who are living with Parkinson’s.

“It’s vital that we can support everyone affected by the condition, so that together, we can move towards everyone feeling empowered to take back control of their life with Parkinson’s.”

As well as the £600 donation to setting up the group in Blaenau, a further £100 from the family has been sent to Parkinson's UK.

Meetings will take place on the upper level and parking in the upper car park is available.

For more information email Wendy Allison ([email protected]) or call 0344 225 3631.