A TYWYN grandmother has been named the world’s Champion Welsh Cake maker.

Bev Marsh, 62, was chosen after a bake-off by cooks from around Wales, all bidding to take the title at the first-ever Jones Crisps World Welsh Cake Championships.

She picked up a year’s supply of Jones crisps, plus £150 and a specially-made trophy.

Judges said Bev’s cakes were “tasty and perfectly cooked, with a melt-in-the-mouth quality”.

Amazingly, it was only the second time that mum-of-two had made the Welsh staple.

The good news was broken by phone to Bev, while she was at work at Brighter Foods in Tywyn, where she is a shift supervisor.

Around 20 bakers entered the contest, with entries from across Wales. Welsh Cakes are known by a variety of names in different areas of Wales, such as Picau ar y Maen, Pice Bach, Cacen Gri and Teisen Radell.

“I looked for the recipe online, because it’s not something that I’ve made before,” said Bev, who moved to Tywyn 40 years ago from the West Midlands.

Read the full story in this week’s Meirionnydd edition of the Cambrian News