Like so many hobbies and pastimes, bell ringing was seriously affected by the pandemic, but with the relaxation of restrictions, regular service ringing at 9.30am on Sunday mornings has resumed along with Thursday evening practices at 7.30pm.

The St Padarn’s tower at Llanbadarn Fawr's church is the most northerly tower in the St David’s Diocese and last Saturday, 14 January, the tower hosted the monthly practice of the St David’s Diocesan Guild of Bell Ringers.

Despite the problems in the area with flooding there was a wonderful turnout of 29 ringers of all ages from towers throughout the diocese.

St Padarn’s has 10 bells, the heaviest of which is 18cwt, and all 29 ringers took the opportunity to ring rounds and call changes on the 10 bells.

More experienced ringers then rang plain courses of Grandsire Caters and Plain Bob Triples followed by touches of Stedman Triples and Grandsire Triples.

A very special afternoon was rounded off by an excellent high tea provided by the local band of ringers who had hosted the event.