A Barmouth business woman has once again criticised Gwynedd Council for the state of the town’s promenade.

Maggs Hills has been in touch with the ‘Cambrian News’ for the fifth time this year to complain about the state of the prom in a bid to get something done about it.

She says its current state is not acceptable, with the build-up of sand along the seafront making it “impassable” for many.

The owner of Step in Style has repeatedly complained about the build-up of sand along the seafront, and the ‘Cambrian News’ carried stories about this issue in January, April, May and June of this year.

Two months on since the last complaint and Mags says the situation is no better when it comes to the issue of sand.

Referring to photographs she had taken, she said: “It’s August and look at the prom, still covered in sand!

“It is impassable for anyone in a wheelchair or scooter, and a struggle for parents with prams.

“Allowing the sand build up to the wall is causing the sand to come over more onto the prom.

“It doesn’t take a genius to realise this, in my opinion!”

We asked Gwynedd Council once again if they would like to comment on the situation of sand gathering and restricting access to the beach.

They said they appreciate this “causes a nuisance”, and “a work programme is in place to manage the situation and to clear away the material”.

They also urged anyone with a complaint to get in touch with them directly.

A Gwynedd Council spokesperson told the ‘Cambrian News’ said: “We appreciate that sand collecting in front of the sea wall and being carried by the wind towards the promenade causes a nuisance for residents and visitors alike by affecting access to the frontage.

“The footpath across the causeway towards Ynys y Brawd is also affected by collection of wind-blown sand.

“We can confirm that a work programme is in place to manage the situation and to clear away the material.

“Cyngor Gwynedd Beach Wardens have already commenced their duties and will assist with general maintenance of the seafront area, such as sweeping, litter picking and weeding.”

The council urged anyone with an issue affecting them to get in touch.

The spokesperson added: “To report a particular concern, please go to the council’s website at www.gwynedd.llyw.cymru and click on ‘Report or telephone 01766 771000.”