CEREDIGION County Council is appealing for owners of privately rented property to come forward and help resettle refugees in the county.
The county council is seeking accommodation to provide sanctuary for families fleeing their homes due to war in their home countries, such as Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine.
Like all UK families, families with refugee status are able to claim benefits to help with rent.
The council says it adheres to the local housing allowance rates to ensure parity for all families seeking accommodation in Ceredigion.
To date, over 80 Ukrainian and Syrian families, along with a small number of Afghan families, have found new homes in Ceredigion since 2015.
Making the appeal, Ceredigion County Council said: “Many families have become well-integrated and immerse themselves in community events and attend Welsh and English lessons provided by Coleg Ceredigion and Adult Learning Wales. Their children quickly settle and contribute to school life.”

Funding from the Home Office and Welsh Government has been used by the council to help the children of refugees make friends through gymnastics sessions, leisure centre passes and music lessons.
Adults have benefitted from support to help find jobs in Ceredigion. The Refugee Resettlement Team works with the Communities for Work+ scheme to facilitate the journey to employment.
The council’s Refugee Resettlement Team holds quarterly events for Ukrainian, Afghan, and Syrian families and their hosts. Local support agencies are invited to the events to promote their services and discuss available support. The most recent event was held at Aberystwyth University in December, and aimed to promote social connections and wellbeing.
Cllr Bryan Davies, Leader of Ceredigion County Council, said: “Ceredigion has been a place of sanctuary for families fleeing conflict since 2015. We can’t do it without the generosity of the people of Ceredigion who have been welcoming people into their communities. We are particularly grateful to landlords who have approached us with offers of accommodation.”
If you own a rental property and want to know more about the Council’s Refugee Resettlement Programme, contact the Refugee Resettlement Team by emailing [email protected] or calling 01545 570881.