Ceredigion actress Josephine Lloyd-Welcome can be seen on screen in new TV show Goldie’s Oldies.

The Nickelodeon show focuses on teenager Goldie, whose life is turned upside down when her family moves in with their Grandpa Maury and his three 70-something housemates.

Josephine, well-known for playing Miss Hasan in Tenko and regular appearances on stage and TV since then, takes on the role of Rainbow in the new show.

Describing her character, Josephine said: “She’s a bit of a hippy, and she’s bohemian.

“She’s been fun to play and I hope the series goes well and we get another one.”

The characters are intergenerational, with Goldie and her friends representing the youngsters, Goldie’s mum in the middle and Goldie’s grandad – played by Gareth Hale of Hale and Pace fame – and his housemates portraying the more mature members of society.

It’s a dynamic that has worked well on-screen and off, as Josephine explained.

“In the show there’s Goldie’s grandad Maury and his bonkers housemates and the kids. The older generation try to get the better of the kids. There’s a good tension between the ages; a playful tension.

“And Goldie and her brother are from America so there’s an extra dimension there with the cultural differences and the language.

“I’ve watched a couple of the episodes and the kids are tremendous in it!

“Us lot can learn a lot from them I think.

“It was interesting watching them work, and they were great fun.”

The series has, like all things, been affected by the pandemic.

“When we went in to the first lockdown last March we were in the middle of filming and we were sent home, crossing our fingers that we would be back.

“Thankfully they were able to bring us back at the end of July and went to great lengths to keep us all safe.

“We bubbled with the actors and masked around the crew.

“We socially distanced and I had a lovely make-up lady who gave me what I needed and I put it on myself with her guidance.

“Hair was done with visors on the hairdressers, and we were tested twice a week for the virus, and had temperature checks throughout.

“It’s amazing that we were able to complete the series under such conditions, and it was weird, having worked those first few weeks on set without restrictions, to come back under different circumstances, but everyone was great and we managed to complete filming safely.”

Josephine feels very lucky to have been able to work throughout the pandemic.

“The industry has been hit hard by the virus.

“I think it will recover, but it will take time. Everyone in the industry hopes this will happen soon. With filming they have found a way to accomplish this, but theatre is different, more complicated and, therefore more difficult to do safely.

“It’s all about spacing, not just of the actors but everyone. The crew, musicians, theatre staff, everyone involved is close together and it’s trickier to keep everyone safe.

“But I hope theatre recovers, sooner rather than later.”

As well as appearing on TV in numerous shows since 1976, Josephine has also had a very successful career in theatre.

“I’ve done lots of theatre work alongside TV and I really enjoy both,” said Josephine.

“Somehow I get recognised for some shows years later, like Only Fools and Horses, and that’s really nice.

“And then there’s theatre roles on tour and in London, including stints at The National.

“I’ve also performed right here in Ceredigion, at Aberystwyth Arts Centre.”

Roles there include The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz and a series of Harold Pinter plays.

We hope it’s not long before theatres can reopen safely and Josephine can once again tread the boards in Ceredigion, but in the meantime we can see her in Goldie’s Oldies on Nickelodeon.