Aberystwyth University’s Pro Vice-Chancellor for Learning, Teaching and Student Experience has announced his intention to step down from the role at the end of the current academic year.

Professor Tim Woods, formerly head of the Department of English and Creative Writing and Dean of the Faculty of Arts, has been Pro Vice-Chancellor and a member of the University’s Executive for six years and plans to return to academic work within the university.

Professor Jon Timmis, Vice-Chancellor at Aberystwyth University said: “I would like to thank Tim on behalf of the whole university for his work and commitment over the course of his tenure, and I would like to thank him personally for the support he has given me as Vice-Chancellor since my arrival in post.

“During his time as Pro Vice-Chancellor he has driven numerous University-wide initiatives that have been incredibly beneficial and progressive for our institution.

“His work to build an enviable reputation for our excellent student experience, achieving consistently strong NSS results, has left a legacy that most universities would love to have.

“Our progress up the league tables shows how that work has paid off.”

Prof Timmis also confirmed that he intends to recruit a new Pro Vice-Chancellor.