AN Aberystwyth teenager will play a vital role in the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II tomorrow morning.

Lewis Sandford, a former Llanilar and Penweddig pupil, has just turned 18 and will be the second youngest Naval rating with the Queen’s Carriage Procession and one of only two Welshmen.

He will be part of a team of more than 130 sailors who will pull and escort a two-and-a-half tonne gun carriage that will bear Her Majesty from Westminster Hall - where she is lying in state - to the funeral service in Westminster Abbey, and then on to Wellington Arch, at Hyde Park Corner.

Lewis, who is also a former pupil at Llandovery College, joined the Royal Navy in November 2021.

His current rank is Naval rating after passing out of first phase training at HMS Raleigh in Plymouth .

He is currently based in Portsmouth at HMS Collingwood where he is training to become a Sonar Specialist.

State funeral
Some of the 40-strong team of brakesmen march behind the replica coffin and State Ceremonial Gun Carriage. (Royal Navy)

His parents, Mark and Jenna said: “We as a family and very proud of his achievements and dedication to his training and we are all extremely proud and honored to have our son participating in this historic event, his older brother Tom will be down in London supporting him, from the sideline.”

The use of Navy officers pulling the gun carriage is a tradition dating to the funeral of Queen Victoria in 1901.

King Charles and other members of the Royal Family will walk behind the coffin before and after the service.