The public are being invited to vote for their favourite photo in this year's RSPCA Young Photographer People's Choice Award - with 15 images vying for the top prize.
From a hungry fish, to a moth on a window, the shortlisted images entered by budding young photographers aged 18 and under are all vying for the public vote.
Aberystwyth teenager, Anwen Whitehead, has been shortlisted and is in with a chance of claiming the winning public vote.
Anwen, 15, won the overall RSPCA Young Photographer Awards in December with her stunning image of a puffin.

Now she hopes to win the public vote too with her image entitled ‘3,2,1…Go!’ which shows Emily the cat mid-run.
To vote for Anwen visit:

Online voting is now open for the public and the winner will be decided by votes cast online.
Andrew Forsyth, RSPCA photographer and judge, said: “The photos shortlisted for the People’s Choice Award this year are fantastic and really varied, from some sweet and funny pictures of pets showing off their incredible personalities to stunning photos of insects in all their tiny glory.
"This is a brilliant selection of images from some passionate and talented young people - and we urge the public to not only enjoy these photos, but to vote for their favourite too!”

Voting closes on Wednesday 26 March and the winner will be announced on the RSPCA’s socials on Thursday, 27 March.
To vote in the RSPCA’s People’s Choice Awards visit: