An Aberystwyth nursery has received the thumbs up following an inspection.

Meithrinfa Camau Bach Nursery was visited by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) in November, and an inspection report released this month saw the setting handed ‘excellent’ ratings for Well-beings and Leadership and Management, with ‘good’ ratings for Care and Development and Environment.

Inspectors found that the Welsh language nursery, which is registered to cater for 75 children, is a “safe” environment where children “are happy and competently make effective choices and decisions.”

Inspectors found that children “enjoy a range of interesting play and learning opportunities”, while staff “have a good understanding of their responsibilities to protect children.”

“The environment is safe and set out with plenty of activities and areas of play and learning to develop children’s skills,” inspectors found.

“Leaders are knowledgeable about current childcare best practice, and this ensures a high level of care for children.

“They consistently make improvements to benefit children and their families.

“They effectively support a team of motivated and dedicated staff.

“There are successful and strong partnerships with parents, which helps children feel settled and their families supported.”

Inspectors found that children “express enthusiasm and enjoyment throughout their time at the venue” and “have built strong emotional connections with each other and with the care staff. This ensures highly effective consistent care that develops their confidence."

Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, Chief Executive of Mudiad Meithrin which owns the nursery, said: “Congratulations to the team of staff who are working diligently to ensure that young children attending Meithrinfa Camau Bach Nursery, Aberystwyth have the best start in life.

CIW identified two areas of improvement for the nursery, recommending that it “ensures consistency in staff interactions when further developing children's understanding” and “ensures that the activity planning document reflects children's voice and interests.”