Aberystwyth fire station turned up the heat over the weekend with their annual barbeque and sponsored walk along the prom full gear.
Former and current firefighters and their families and friends held the annual event on Saturday at Aberystwyth Rugby Club.
Also on Saturday, four firefighters walked laps of the town’s promenade in full gear with breathing apparatus, totalling 11 miles, with collection buckets to raise money for two charities.
The money will be donated to the Welsh Air Ambulance, the firefighters charity and the 2Wish charity, which supports people who have lost children under the age of 25.

Watch Manager Liam Hinton Jones said: “We hold the annual barbecue and invite retired and past members of the fire service to come down, we have a bouncy castle and other activities like an egg and spoon raise.
“We charge them to come in to help cover the costs, and anything we make after goes to the firefighters charity.”
Carwyn Thomas, who organised the fundraiser walk, said: “We walked 11 miles in full fire gear with our breathing apparatus on. We had collection buckets along the prom which raised £300.
“Altogether the gear will have weighed about 15 kilograms, but it’s the heat that makes it the hardest. It was a humid day so it was proper warm, we were quite sore after.
“It’s a team event so we all pushed each other through it, and it’s for three good charities so it’s something quite important.
“When we hold our open days and fundraiser events, it’s the community that comes so we like to give something back.
Despite the challenge, Mr Thomas and fellow firefighters, Owain, Dewi and Tom, will be putting the gear back on for a similar fundraising event in Carmarthen in the coming weeks, as well as the Cardiff half marathon in October.
Mr Thomas said: “We’re looking to do something similar in Carmarthen to build us up for the half marathon in Cardiff in October.
To donate to the cause, the firefighters set up a Gofundme page.