Raising money for Guide Dogs is a family affair for Aberaeron shop owner, Karen Geobey.

Karen, who owns Parsley & Thyme in the town, has just received a birth certificate and “pawtrait” for black labrador Tony, the second guide dog puppy she has named. The first, golden retriever Joan, will be one on 17 September.

Animal lover Karen has named the puppies in memory of her parents, who were Guide Dogs puppy raisers. She began by selling off her unwanted pairs of Dr Martens shoes and boots, and soon customers were dropping off their old pairs for Karen to sell. The proceeds went into a collecting tin for Guide Dogs.

Karen’s next venture was making scented candle “melts” from leftover wax, taking the total raised so far to £5,500. She has decided that a third guide dog puppy should be named in memory of her cousin, Johnathon, known as Totchee, who died at the age of 49.

Also rising to the fundraising challenge is Karen’s eight-year-old granddaughter, Lottie, who has been sitting in the shop painting pebbles and selling them! Karen said: “She sold more than a dozen painted pebbles and made £82 - well done Lottie!”