Ceredigion County Council will not comment on claims a member of staff was accosted in an Aberystwyth supermarket.

Sources have told the Cambrian News that a Ceredigion County Council employee was wearing identification in the Aberystwyth Morrisons store when they had a Cambrian News 'thrown in their face' and were verbally abused in the store.

As a result, a source has told the Cambrian News that staff have been advised not to wear lanyards or other idenfitying items showing they work for the council when out in public.

The Cambrian News approached Ceredigion County Council for comment and a spokesperson said: "We will not be commenting on this incident to avoid it being reported out of context and sensationalised by the Cambrian News and inciting further animosity towards council staff."

Cambrian News Editor Mick O'Reilly said such incidents cannot be condoned.

"We are sorry to hear about this incident," he said. "No one should be accosted in such a manner. I would hate to have to put a warning on the newspaper cautioning that it not be used as a physical weapon."