If you are a diabetic patient in Ceredigion, chances are you would have been treated by Carol Evans at some point over the past 20 years.

As a registered nurse for over 40 years, and specialising in diabetes for much of that time, she dedicated her life to her job and her patients.

Carol sadly passed away in September of last year following a diagnosis of gallbladder cancer a few months earlier and her daughter has been raising money in her memory to support a local charity close to both their hearts.

Rachel Davies agreed to shave her head to support local charity, HAHAV.

She said: “I decided initially that I was going to support mum by shaving my head when she had chemotherapy treatment. Sadly the cancer was too advanced for treatment so in honour of my mum, I shaved off my hair for HAHAV, in her name.

“The charity itself was not only close to mum's heart, but I have been very fortunate to benefit from their services of bereavement support, following my sudden loss. Maybe people are not aware they offer these kind of services that are so valuable and so appreciated by people like myself.

“HAHAV is a fantastic charity that does much needed work in Ceredigion, and sadly the call for the services they offer is only likely to increase in the future. I appreciate this is a difficult time for many but any contribution is greatly appreciated.”

Rachel Davies being shaved by Jacquie McCartney of Jago Hair Salon, Aberystwyth
Rachel Davies being shaved by Jacquie McCartney of Jago Hair Salon, Aberystwyth (HAHAV)

Rachel had set herself a goal of raising at least £2,000 and she has surpassed that target and contributions are still welcome. All contributions will go towards the development of Plas Antaron in Aberystwyth as a dedicated centre that will provide practical help, social care and companionship for people in Ceredigion with chronic, life limiting illness.

Dr Alan Axford, HAHAV Chair and one of its’ founding volunteers, added: “We are dependent on fantastic volunteers to help us deliver our services and help us with vital fundraising. I was very fortunate to work with Carol Evans for many years and can fully appreciate her dedication to her work and to those under her care.

“Rachel’s actions are a fitting tribute to a wonderful woman and we are extremely grateful for her valuable support as we aim to fully establish our base at Plas Antaron that will enable us to continue with our work into the future.”

Established in 2015, HAHAV offers support to families, carers and those loved ones affected and they work alongside and complement the crucial work of the Hywel Dda Palliative Care Team.

To find out more about HAHAV please visit www.hahav.org.uk, email [email protected] or call 01970 611550 and if you would like to contribute to Rachel’s fundraiser please visit https://havav.enthuse.com/pf/rachel-davies