A RETIRED Ceredigion police officer has been struck off for sexually inappropriate behaviour towards a woman in a public house.

On 18 May, an Accelerated Misconduct Hearing was held at Dyfed-Powys Police Headquarters in respect of former police constable Mr Simon Williams, who previously worked in Ceredigion.

Mr Williams retired from the force in March of this year whilst under investigation for a sexual offence that occurred in November 2022.

The offence, which occurred off duty and in a public house, involved sexually inappropriate behaviour towards a female member of the public, including sexually touching the victim without her consent.

Mr Williams fully admitted the offence in interview and received a conditional caution.

Former officer proceedings were instigated on the premise that had Mr Williams still been serving then the conduct in question would have warranted his dismissal from the force and his addition to the College of Policing Barred List which would prevent him re-entering the police service or specified law enforcement.

Chief Constable Dr Richard Lewis chaired the accelerated hearing and determined that the former officer’s conduct amounted to gross misconduct, that had he still been serving he would have been dismissed from the force, and that he should now be added to the College of Policing Barred List.

Assistant Chief Constable Steve Cockwell, the Appropriate Authority for complaints and misconduct in Dyfed-Powys Police, stated: “Dyfed-Powys Police expects the highest standards of professional behaviour from its officers and staff, both on and off duty.

"The behaviour of Mr Simon Williams was totally unacceptable and the force will continue to relentlessly pursue any allegations of a sexual nature from both a criminal and misconduct perspective.

“The outcome of today’s hearing is reflective of this approach and I hope reassures the public that the Force will do all it can to maintain high standards in respect of the conduct of its officers and staff, whether on or off duty and whether still serving or not.”