The cost of policing north Wales is set to increase by an average of £22.50 a household from April.

At a meeting on Monday afternoon in Bodlondeb, Conwy, the North Wales Police and Crime Panel approved Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Andy Dunbobbin’s proposal for a lower than anticipated increase in the policing precept.

This will mean that there will be a 43p per week (or £22.50 per year) increase in Council Tax for a Band D property for the financial year 2025-26.

The Police and Crime Panel is a body made up of councillors and co-opted independent members from across North Wales who scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

In a survey that took place with the people of North Wales over four weeks up to 20 December, involving over 1,500 responses, the largest group of people supported an increase in Council Tax of £26.50.

This means the figure of £22.50 is significantly below the amount seen as acceptable by many local residents.

Pat Astbury, Chair of the North Wales Police and Crime Panel, commented: “The Police and Crime Panel have agreed the Commissioner’s Police Budget for 2025/26 and are mindful of the financial constraints affecting all Council Tax payers in North Wales. However, we believe that the Police Precept remains at a level which supports an effective and efficient police service which gives good value for money.”

Andy Dunbobbin, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, commented: “I would like to thank the North Wales Police and Crime Panel for agreeing to my proposed increase in the policing precept. I value their input and scrutiny and appreciate their views on behalf of the residents of the region.

“The increase is lower than had been anticipated and is less than many who took part in the survey were prepared to pay for policing. But I still understand how hard things are for many in the current economic climate.

“That is why I have sought to keep any increase as low as possible, while ensuring the Force has the resources it needs to keep us all safe. I will continue to work hard with the Chief Constable to deliver a well-funded and well-run Police Service that secures for the people of North Wales a local neighbourhood policing presence, a fair and effective criminal justice system, and supports victims, communities and businesses, in line with my priorities as PCC.”